Gypsum powder is widely used in all aspects of our daily life and is an important chemical raw material. In the process of poultry and livestock breeding, gypsum powder is mainly added to daily feed as a compound mineral feed additive. What is the role of Jinan gypsum powder as a feed additive in chicken breeding?
1. Therapeutic infectious bursal disease. It can be mixed with monosodium gypsum powder at a ratio of 2%. Young chickens can be fed for 3 days with only 3 grams.
2. Cure feather pecking. Feather pecking is a common pichia in group breeding, which is caused by the lack of sulfur and amino acid in multiple feeds. If the chicken can be fed with 1%~2% gypsum powder mixture when possible, the spread of pecking can be quickly controlled.

3. Cage fatigue during laying and curing eggs. During the peak period of egg production, if the calcium content in the feed is insufficient, the performance of chicken is reduced, the number of soft and thin shell eggs is increased, and the body chicken is paralyzed. Adding 0.5%~1% gypsum powder to the diet and supplementing calcium with vitamin AD3 powder is better than adding bone powder and shell powder.
4. Treat colibacillosis. The cream stone has the effect of generating muscle and astringing sores. For the treatment of colibacillosis, while using antibiotics or other drugs, add a proper amount of gypsum powder to the diet, which can promote the inflammation of intestines and organs.
Unexpectedly, gypsum powder can be used not only in construction, but also in raising chickens, ducks and geese, so it is recommended that you understand the wonderful use of this product before use. Contact us if you need to buy http://m.bjtsdc.com Come on!