來源:http://m.bjtsdc.com 日期:2020-04-17 發(fā)布人:
A product must be tested before leaving the factory, plastering mortar is no exception. When the finished product leaves the factory, the corresponding test report will be indicated at the time of receiving. Through these, customers can know its quality. There are four main test items of Jinan plastering mortar: consistency, water retention rate, strength and adhesion. The above items shall be tested with the same manufacturer, type, grade and mortar batch.

這些測試的目的是為了確保質量乌窿,但如果使用不當悉镜,結果仍然是徒勞的。以下詳細介紹了灰漿使用的一些基本要求:首先庙炮,大面積配筋前應設置標準后谱。抹灰分階段分層,每層厚度在5 - 7mm之間种司,水泥砂漿每層厚度為7 - 9mm刷桐,如果抹灰層總厚度超過35mm,應采取相應的加固措施驮肄。
The purpose of these tests is to ensure quality, but if used improperly, the results are still in vain. The following describes some basic requirements of mortar use in detail: first, standards should be set before large-area reinforcement. The plastering is divided into stages and layers, each layer is between 5-7mm thick, and each layer of cement mortar is 7-9mm thick. If the total thickness of the plastering layer exceeds 35mm, corresponding reinforcement measures shall be taken.
Second, if cement mortar is used for plastering, the next plastering cannot be carried out before the previous plastering is solidified. If lime mortar is used for plastering, it shall not be plastered until 70% or 80% of the previous plastering is dry. The third point is that the strength of the plastering bottom must not be lower than the surface layer. The fourth point is that after the cement mortar is mixed, it should be used up before the initial setting. No more hard sand should be used, that is, the mortar has begun to set.
The above are some things that need to be paid attention to when using the single layer of Jinan plastering mortar. We hope that there are different operation standards for different raw materials of mortar in strict accordance with the construction requirements, which also needs special attention.